This page informs about new features and improvements
2025-03-04 - v2.27.0
Device Management
Improves look and feel of the API keys page
Fixes an issue with MQTT user topic validation (if the topic name is invalid, data will be stored under the default topic instead)
2025-02-21 - v2.26.0
New Features
Introduces a new dashboard layout type intended for building signage screens
Currently restricted to users with alpha features enabled
Introduces new appearance settings applicable to all components
Introduces the ability to customize the header's appearance
Device Management
Better 404 handling
Bug Fixes
All Apps
Fixes double occurrence of unsaved changes modal
Fixes the issue preventing closure of the marker modal within the map component
Enhancements and corrections to threshold calculations for all components
Device Management
Fixes workspace description field validation
Fixes an issue where the chart failed to display for certain assets under specific conditions
Fixes some typos
2025-02-05 - v2.25.0
New Features
Introduces a new authentication service for improved account security, incl.:
2FA authentication
Additional SSO provider: Microsoft & Github
An improved user profile to manage access credentials and active sessions
2025-01-14 - v2.23.0
All Apps:
Various styling improvements
Adds summation accumulator to the Dashboard KPI Components for tag mode
Aligns the Dashboard Trend component form to other KPI components’ forms
2024-12-20 - v2.22.0
Device Management:
Adds mioty as a connectivity to the device type form
Adds connectivity as a separate section in Device Type Library, and Data Flow creation
Fixes wrong hidden field on Amazon Kinesis output connector
Improved email templates
2024-12-13 - v2.21.0
New Features
Introduces the performance component for visualizing the value of a metric compared to a maximum value
Extends the downlink state component with settings for persisting the state
Adds an option to hide furniture in floorplans
Introduces the ability to handle camera settings for buildings with a single level
2024-12-04 - v2.20.0
New Features
Adds table sorting with persistent state
Introduces gauge component for visualizing data with customizable styles
Updates component selector
Enables downlink demo mode, including settings and default values.
Bug Fixes
Fixes group names disappearing on public dashboards
Removes aggregation interval from the status component
2024-11-21 - v2.19.0
Adds support for a new layer type floor in floorplan components
Adds a new status component to dynamically translate and color values
Improves localized number format on component values to enhance readability
Device Management:
Adds 404 redirects for missing entities for smoother navigation
Enhances custom payload suggestions and removes mode selection for rule output connectors
Bug Fixes
Resolves an issue where group names disappeared in the editor header after auto-refresh
Improves component order for mobile views
Fixes slow loading of dashboards on Safari
Device Management:
Resolves issues with SIM card inventory not functioning correctly
Sorts data sources alphabetically in rule logic
2024-10-24 - v2.18.0
Device Management:
Enhances downlink rule actions and device details downlink tab
Adds templating and input device option for target devices (rule actions)
Adds option to use the downlink encoder or sending a raw payload
Adds MQTT quality of service (QoS)
Adds LoRaWAN clear queue functionality to replace pending downlinks
Enhances data flow output connectors to forward hourly aggregations (output event mode: event or aggregation)
Adds 4 new downlink components (button, input, slider, and switch)
Device Management:
Updates the connection history to hide chart for unregistered devices
Resolves an issue with no data showing in diff view for audit logs
Improves page not found behavior
2024-09-20 - v2.17.0
Device Management:
Adds downlink encoder option
Improves page not found behavior.
Updates connection history to hide chart for non-registered devices without carrierId.
Adds new downlink dashboard components
Device Management:
Resolves issue with no data showing in diff view for audit logs.
2024-09-20 - v2.17.0
Device Management:
Adds CSV upload for Device Setup Assistant metadata in the workspace settings
Setup Assistant:
Improves look of navigation and context switcher
2024-09-20 - v2.16.0
Device Management:
Improves pagination on message logs.
Setup Assistant:
Enhances camera selection order for QR code setup.
Device Management:
Fixes navigation issues on asset details and back button behavior.
Refines user roles display in workspace member assignment.
Corrects downlink tab behavior for deregistered devices.
Improves handling of asset inventory custom fields display.
2024-08-16 - v2.15.0
New features
Device Management:
New look and feel of the mobile context switcher
Introduces public dashboards white labeling
Redesigns Overview & Templates page
Restyles KPI component thresholds
Improves white labeling system color gradation
2024-08-05 - v2.14.0
New features
Device Management:
Adds filters into groups on asset management for greater traceability
Enhances camera settings in the floor plan
Fixes filter functionality
2024-07-26 - v2.13.0
Device Management:
Improves phone number inputs
Fixes an issue with multiple tabs reloading after a session timeout
2024-07-16 - v2.12.0
New features
Device Management:
Allows to customize SMS sender name for white labelled organizations
Improves context switcher
Fixes dataflow links
Fixes floor plan legend and history slider visibility issues
2024-07-02 - v2.11.0
New features
Device Management:
Adds sorting by active and timer in rules table.
Adds loading state to filters
Fixes various style and spacing issues.
2024-06-24 - v2.10.0
New features
Dashboard Improvements: Adds a new template page, saved camera positions in the 3D floorplan, and improved component error states.
Device Management: Adds parameters to asset history pages, sorted measurement types alphabetically, and added search and stickiness in tag lists.
General: Improves translations, responsiveness, and overall user experience.
Fixes issues with measurement type icons, create data route field, and bulk operations in Device Management.
Fixes time series chunking in Dashboards.
2024-05-25 - v2.9.0
Enhances logo upload options for white labeling
Introduces tag data sources for chart components in Dashboard Builder
Introduces templating for target devices for custom logic blocks (akenza DB output connector)
Various improvements for number formatting, chart settings and display, general look & feel and stability
2024-05-14 - v2.8.0
New features
Introduces white labeling: Change the look and feel of your organization in the organization settings
Improves look and feel of various tables
Adds filters to custom fields table, and rules table
2024-04-26 - v2.7.0
New features
Introduces Mioty device connector
Improves look and feel of various tables
2024-04-09 - v2.6.1
New look of the user profile page
2024-04-03 - v2.6.0
New features
Introduces Dashboard grouping
Improves table filters and pagination
Unifies date format over the apps
2024-03-15 - v2.5.3
Adds LoRa 1.0.4 support
Improves stability on billing and history charts
2024-03-06 - v2.5.2
Adds new subscription plans
Adds workspace occupancy settings
Improves data overview charts for different aggregation types
Several bug fixes
2024-02-14 - v2.5.1
Added new filter bank for the device type library
Multiple small UI/UX and bug fixes
New device types: see changelog
2024-01-22 - v2.5.0
Adds keyboard support for filters
More user-friendly handling of destructive operations
Multiple small UI/UX fixes and bug fixes
New device types: see changelog
2023-11-28 - v2.4.0
New features
Adds VergeSense as a device connector
Rework of the device details page to improve data display
Improved scripting experience (syntax highlighting, arguments can be saved)
Several bug fixes
New device types: see changelog
Dashboard Builder v1.2.0
Introducing thresholds for KPI, chart and table component
Improved component metadata display to show time range and aggregation method
Several bugfixes
2023-10-31 - v2.3.0
New features
Major rework of the search and filtering on the asset inventory
Adds support for Haltian as new integration type
Improved bulk import capabilities for tags and custom fields during device creation
Several bug fixes
New device types: see changelog
2023-09-20 - v2.2.0
New features
Analytics Data Sink: store data directly in your SQL database (supported databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Oracle DB and MS SQL)
Device Type Schema Builder: manage the data schema of custom device types for improved data governance
Improved error messages in the platform
Several bug fixes
New device types: see changelog
2023-08-30 - v2.1.0
New features
Billing Cockpit (beta): Gain insights about the current product usage
New Java MQTT examples: Java example repository
Improved LoRaWAN device creation: Improved frequency plan selection
Improved rule tag input combination
Several bug fixes
New device types: see changelog
akenza recharged - read the blog post.
New features
Dashboard builder: Initial Release of our dashboard builder to directly create dashboards with akenza
Improved LoRaWAN support: Support for LoRa frequency plans and LoRaWAN 1.1
Enhanced LoRaWAN CaaS offering for Swisscom: Roaming in large parts of Europe and Geolocation
Updated pricing: Read more in our blog
Device setup assistant: App for pairing devices to a physical location during the installation process integration: Adding support for NB-IoT with
UI update: akenza recharged UI style
New device types: see changelog
Various bug fixes
2023-03-03 - V1.36.0
New features
Multi-tag rule inputs: Build your rule with a combination of multiple tags
Geo location data: Support for displaying geo location data on a map on the device data overview
Actility network localization: Support for Actility network localization (contact us for enabling it for Swisscom connectivity)
MQTT user topics and payload parsing improvements
Various bug fixes
2022-12-20 - V1.35.0
New features
Release of the akenza Java client, a Java SDK for integrating with the akenza API
Add support for additional payload formats when using MQTT5 (text, xml and csv)
Add support for geo fence logic blocks in the rule engine (verify that an asset is inside or outside of a geo fence)
Various bug fixes
2022-11-24 - V1.34.0
New features
Add support for dynamic device configuration API
add config for MQTT devices
automatic configuration push to device when connecting to akenza
automatic configuration push when adding a new configuration
Add support for consecutive rule invocations for the akenza DB output connector
Add Device Type Library page on the Data Flow overview to browse device types
Various bug fixes
2022-11-11 - V1.33.0
New features
JSON properties on Organizations and Workspaces
Certificate-based authentication for MQTT devices
Read more about Device Security
Add search on rule list
Add validation for custom field names to improve usability during script-based access
Dataflow create and edit improvements
Improved rule timer interval logic
Various bug fixes
2022-10-28 - V1.32.0
New features
Change device ID validation to allow GUIDs and MAC addresses
Fixes an issue with string custom field inputs
Various bug fixes
2022-10-17 - V1.31.0
New features
Bulk actions for registering / deregistering LoRa devices
Custom Field Management
Added a UI for managing custom fields in Workspace Settings
CHANGED: Custom field names are now required to be unique
Tag Management
Added a UI for managing tags in Workspace Settings
CHANGED: Tag names are now required to be unique
New device types: see changelog
Major UI/UX rework of the rule engine
Various bug fixes
2022-09-09 - V1.30.0
New features
New device connector for ChirpStack
New Cibicom LoRaWAN integration and Connectivity-as-a-Service (CaaS)
New device types: see changelog
Adds option to include metadata for device data export
Various bug fixes
2022-09-02 - V1.29.0
New features
Visual update for data flows
New device types: see changelog
Increased email recipient limit of 25 for output connectors and rule actions
Various bug fixes
2022-08-15 - V1.28.0
New features
Introduces option to show/hide KPIs on the device detail page.
New device types: see changelog
Plenty of small UI improvements
Various bug fixes
2022-07-25 - V1.26.0
New features
Advanced rule timer functionality (fixed executions on specific weekdays, custom cron expressions)
New examples repository for the akenza REST API
New device types: see changelog
Adds custom fields as suggestions for templating in data flows and rules
Various improvements and bug fixes
2022-06-16 - V1.25.0
New features
Everynet - adds Everynet Connectivity as a Service
Add support for using preinstalled modules in device type scripts (luxon)
New device types: see changelog
Various improvements and bug fixes for the asset inventory
Adds the possibility to use templating in custom database output connector topics
Allows the use of bulk import also if there are no devices created yet
Fixes a bug where not the current time was used for rule timers
2022-05-25 - V1.24.0
New features
ewz - adds ewz Connectivity as a Service
Various smaller bug fixes and improvement
2022-05-11 - V1.23.0
New features
Everynet - adds the possibility to add Everynet integrations
Introduce an option to exclude devices from the lifecycle report
Various smaller bug fixes and improvement
2022-04-21 - V1.22.0
New features
User onboarding process
Application setup
Onboarding assistant with progress indicator and checklist
Built-in data generator
API-key management
Workspace scope on the API-key
UI navigation
Top to side navigation
Data Flow
Data Flow templates
Mobile navigation
Various smaller bug fixes and improvements
2022-03-04 - V1.21.0
New features
Extended Device Type library with new Device Types
Overall workspace metrics
Routing refactoring
Various smaller bug fixes and improvements
2022-02-04 - V1.20.0
New features
Data Flow
Device connector Yanzi
Extended Device Type library with new Device Types
Organization overview
Resource tile with supportive links
Data Flow
Display of integrations in device connector list
Code editor
Various code editor layout fixes (Applies for custom logic- and custom device type code editor)
Various smaller bug fixes and improvements
2022-01-14 - V1.19.0
Asset Inventory
Message logs
Downlinks displayed in Message log on the device detail page. Sent downlink messages are stored as device messages. Topic name:
Deregister state of LoRa devices in column Connectivity status displayed in yellow
Various smaller bug fixes and improvements
2022-01-06 - V1.18.0
New features
Workspace overview metrics
Data pipeline
Device health overview
Extended Device Type library with new Device Types
Organization & Workspace navigation
Back button to allow returning to the main navigation sidebar view
2021-12-16 - V1.17.0
New features
Extended Device Type library with new Device Types
Data Flow
Redesign of device- & output connector
Custom Logic
Form refactoring (create & edit)
2021-11-29 - V1.16.0
New features
Asset Inventory
Device data export & delete
Output connector
Device Lifecycle notifications
Allow sending weekly interval
Asset Inventory
Allow bulk for tags & custom fields
Output Connector Microsoft Teams
Allow "Send message only once"
2021-11-22 - V1.15.0
Asset Inventory
Data History Chart improvements
Available sensors and connectivity details on Custom Device Type improvements
Advanced templating for timed rules
New event types on custom logic (UPLINK, DOWNLINK, TIMER)
Mobile support
2021-11-05 - V1.14.0
New features
Output Connector
Extended Device Type library with new Device Types
Custom payload
Show template variable suggestions in custom payloads
Device Detail Page
Linked rules are displayed within device details. Includes all rules where the device is directly specified as input or where the device has a matching tag for the input
Output Connectors
Code-map on JSON editor disabled
Validation for Azure IoT Hub connection string
2021-10-25 - V1.13.0
New features
Output Connector
Extended Device Type library with new Device Types
Tenant asset inventory
Display Organization- & Workspace Columns
Output connector
Allow using Custom Payload for the Azure Output Connector
2021-10-19 - V1.12.0
New features
Output Connector
Allow templating of custom payload as array for Webhook output connectors
Breaking Change: Update templating Syntax. Make sure to change the syntax according to the Payload Templating reference if the custom payload template is edited. The current configuration will still work if not changed or updated. There will be an adaption in the backend coming soon which will help with the transition to the new format until the old format is deprecated.
Asset Inventory
Update default selection of asset inventory columns
Add column selector to the organization asset table
Align rule page header with data flow page header
Device Detail
Update labels for connectivity details
Update date time format
Change tab switch animation
Unify description item spacing in page headers
2021-10-12 - V1.11.0
New features
Asset Inventory
KPI Trend indicator on Device Detail Page
Device offline timeout settings during creation, edit & bulk
Output Connector
Extended Device Type library with new Device Types:
Data Flow
Search field on Data Flow Overview Page
Asset Inventory
Battery level information on Asset Inventory & Asset Detail Page
Output Connector
Webhook connector allows URL templating
Mail & SMS Output Connector
Send every new incoming data sample or only once after the status has changed (optional field)
Logs emitted in scripts on processing log
2021-09-21 - V1.10.0
New features
Asset Lifecycle Message notification
Informs user-defined recipients about critical asset lifecycle events on workspace level about device offline, weak signal, low battery
Extended Device Type library with new Device Types
Milesight AM107
Milesight AM104
Milesight EM300-TH
Milesight EM500-CO2
Asset Detail Page
Add units to Device Data KPIs
Realtime update with WebSocket API
Support for editing custom fields during bulk edit
App navigation
API-keys and Subscription as main navigation on organization level
2021-09-13 - V1.9.0
Custom fields and Asset Tags on asset creation form and edit view
Deregistered devices removed from billed units
App navigation allows opening nav item in a new tab
Asset Detail Page
Sim Card Detail Page
2021-09-03 - V1.8.0
New features
Various smaller bug fixes and improvements
2021-08-27 - V1.7.0
New features
Disruptive Technologies (DT) as HTTP decoding type
Extended Device Type library with new Device Types
DT Temperature sensor
DT Touch sensor
DT Proximity sensor
DT Water sensor
Asset Tags
Asset tags on Asset Detail Page & Rule Engine for Asset grouping
Asset Inventory
Columns on Asset Overview Page
Data Flow
Device Type
Creation- & modified date
Show logs tab on the Asset detail page
UI improvement on the Asset creation page
Stop/ change active subscription
2021-08-04 - V1.6.0
New features
Sigfox as HTTP decoding type
Rule Engine
Pulse animation on selected input-, logic- and output block to emphasize user to connect blocks
Asset Detail Page
Autoscaling y-axis on data history chart
General page header UI improvements
2021-07-19 - V1.5.0
New features
Bulk actions
Feature request function on help header dropdown
Extended Device Type library with new Device Types
Landis+Gyr ULTRAHEAT T550
Rule Engine
Logic block: Cascade dropdown for mapped data source
Overview Page: “Actions” tab with rule actions overview
Register-/ deregister button to switch between two LoRa network carriers
Automatic user identification for feature request board
Asset Inventory
Edit HTTP and MQTT devices
2021-07-06 - V1.4.0
New features
Bulk actions
Everynet device connector as http decoding type
EWZ LoRaWAN as new integration provider
Rule Engine
Rule activation/ deactivation
Refactoring of Rule Engine
"Akenza" as the sender of SMS
Allow GET method in REST API
2021-06-11 - V1.3.0
New features
Extended Device Type library with new Device Types
Aiut ALEVEL 1x5 V1
Aiut ALEVEL 1x5 V2
AstraLED Mantis CO2, VOC luminaire
Digital Matter Oyster
GlobalSat LS-113G
Talkpool OY1210
Display account information on Integrations Overview Page
Template improvement on Mail Output Connector
Template improvement on Akenza DB Rule action
API changes: deprecates hex_payload for LoRa uplinks in device types, instead use hexPayload
2021-05-11 - V1.2.0
New features
Rule Engine
Send SMS as a Rule action
Data processing
Logs for monitoring and debugging of akenza data processing
Actility as new integration provider
Extended Device Type library with new Device Types
Talkpool OY1700
Universal Fire Extinguisher
Various UI improvements
2021-04-16 - V1.1.0
New features
Data visualization
Grafana plugin for simplified data visualization
Rule Engine
Send Downlink as a Rule action
Extended Device Type library with new Device Types
Elsys ELT-2, ELT-Lite, EMS, EMS Desk, EMS Door, EMS Lite
Sensative All Strips
Synetica Enlink-T, Enlink-DP
Various UI improvements
Unified Mail output connector within Rule and Data Flow
2021-03-23 - V1.0.0
The new akenza is released publicly as version 1.0.0 🎉
This new product version named as akenza, replaces the existing Akenza Core, which will be kept running during customer project migration.
Price- and feature plan of the new akenza can be viewed here.
Last updated
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