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In this tutorial, you will learn how to set up a rule to send notifications to Microsoft Teams. We make use of the , to test your rule set up right away. So just make sure, that you have your HTTP device created and available on your Asset Inventory.
Find out more about how to use the device simulator .
The following steps are explained in more detail:
Select as a Rule Input your created HTTP device. Add a logic connector to your rule by selecting the Logic Block Comparison. Connect the dots from your device to the comparison block. All available data sources from your device will appear on the dropdown of Data source 1. In this example, we have the following available data sources from the device simulator:
We choose Temperature as a data source, as we want to send a notification to Microsoft Teams if a temperature threshold is reached.
In Condition field 1 of your comparison block, you are free to choose the individual condition of your rule. In this example, we want to trigger an alert, if the temperature is bigger than 25 degrees.
Proceed now with adding the action connector Microsoft Teams to your rule.
All Microsoft Teams connectors which were already created in your organization are displayed as available connectors. For now, we create a new one. Choose New Microsoft Teams connector and type in your specific information:
Connector name (free text)
Message (free text & optional payload data)
Optional: Add payload data to your text by using such a syntax: {{myPropertyName}}. By adding payload data to your text, you will get informed about the actual measured value of your device. Use also the preview function, to preview your text content before you set it live.
Once your connector is filled out, select Save connector. Make sure, that you connect your connector to the comparison block. Proceed by selecting Save Rule and choose an appropriate name for your rule.
Your notification rule is now saved and displayed on the Rule Overview Page.
Following steps are required to create your incoming webhook connector on your Teams channel:
Go to the channel where you want to add the webhook and select ••• More options from the top navigation bar
Select Workflows from the dropdown menu
3. Search for Webhook and select it
4. Name your new workflow and click on Next
5. Input the Team and Channel you want to notify
6. The next dialog window presents a unique URL that maps to the channel. Copy and save the webhook URL, to send information to Microsoft Teams and select Save. Paste the Webhook URL on the Microsoft Teams Output Connector on akenza in the field Notification URL.
To test your notification service, you now can send test data from the device simulator to your HTTP device. By selecting a temperature value above the set 25 degrees on your rule, you will receive a notification on your Microsoft Teams channel.
To send test data from the device simulator to your HTTP device, you need to copy the Uplink URL from your HTTP device. Go to Asset Inventory, select your HTTP device, and open API-Configuration.
In this example, we choose a temperature value of 31 degrees, that the rule gets triggered. Proceed by selecting Send Message.
Check if you receive the notification on your Microsoft Teams channel.
Congratulations, you have successfully created a Microsoft Teams notification service on akenza.
Notification URL (Webhook URL of your Teams channel) See chapter 2,
Learn more about , how to create your incoming webhook connector on Microsoft Teams.
Copy the Uplink URL and insert this URL on the Uplink URL field on the .
In this tutorial you will learn how to send notifications to Microsoft Teams