Data Flows
This page describes the basic functionality and principles of data flows
Data Flows define how the device data is processed and stored in akenza.
There are three basic components that all together form the Data Flow:
Device Connectors
Device Types
Output Connectors
Device Connectors
Device connectors hold the information on how a device communicates with akenza. They define the secret, which is used to authenticate the received data of a device.
If an Integration is available, a device connector has already been created during the setup of an integration. The connectivity provider platform also has been configured to correctly send the data to akenza.
Device ConnectorsDevice Types
Device types define how the received uplink is structured, parsed, and finally stored in the akenza database. A variety of predefined Device Types are available. A Custom Device Type can be created, if not the right device type is available for the desired device.
Device TypesOutput Connectors
Output connectors define the behavior after the device type has parsed the uplink payload. There are a variety of predefined actions that can be chosen from. Webhooks can be used to communicate with 3rd party REST APIs.
Output ConnectorsLast updated
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