Organizations & Workspaces

This page describes the basic functionality and principles of organizations & workspaces.


Organizations are shared accounts where businesses and projects can collaborate across many workspaces at once. Every setup of a device, every uplink received and every user that is added to a workspace will be linked to an organization.

Create an Organization

During the signup process, the user is asked to add an Organization and a Workspace accordingly. An Organization name is typically the company name. Optionally a description and a logo can be added for recognizability.

An Organization can also be added at a later point after the registration. Therefore, Add Organization can be selected in the dropdown menu on the top right corner.

Add users to an Organization

To add new users to an Organization at least Organization-Editor rights are required.

On the user tab, every user will be listed and showing their assigned role, regardless of which roles they were assigned to and on which workspace they were added.

Manage users on an Organization

The roles of users can be changed anytime or removed entirely from the Organization. Editing details of the Organization can be done by members with the role of Organization Administrators or Organization Editors.

Only the Organization-Owner can delete the Organization or transfer the ownership to another member.


Workspaces are where the actual work happens. Adding integration providers, Data Flows, Rules, or managing devices - all activities are done within a workspace. An Organization can have multiple Workspaces. At a glance, metrics of the Workspace, like the number of devices, sim cards, users, and other important metrics are displayed on the Workspace Overview.

Add Workspace

To create a new Workspace, "Add Workspace" can be selected in the dropdown menu on the top right corner of the screen.

A Workspace describes a certain environment or project within an Organization.

Add Users to a Workspace

As an Admin and Editor User of a Workspace, individual access rights can be given to new users on the Workspace level. Access rights such as Admin, Editor, or Viewers are available for selection.

On the Workspace user tab, every user will be listed and shown the assigned Organization and Workspace role.

Manage Users on Workspace

The roles of users can be changed anytime or also removed entirely from the Workspace. Editing details of the Workspace can be done by members with the role Admin and Editor User of a Workspace.

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